Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Prostate Disease is Not Terrible, Can Prevent, Treat, Stay Away

The prostate is a man's unique organ, it has very close relationship with the health of a man's life, but from time to time, it gave man "little trouble." Prostate diseases including prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer, a common disease of older men in particular.

Prostate disease diagnosis, do not fall into cognitive errors

Awareness about the prevalence of prostate disease some errors. Some people would think, "enlarged prostate and prostatitis are age-related diseases."

In most people the impression that only middle-aged men will suffer from prostatitis, in the past many years, true, but with the development of society, changing people's habits, the incidence of prostatitis are dropping.

Prostatic hypertrophy is more common in middle-aged, and prostatitis is more common in young adults. These two concepts we must distinguish. Often encounter some seniors to doctor said he was suffering from prostatitis, in fact, he had a benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Prostatic hyperplasia, also called benign prostatic hypertrophy. We must first define a concept: First, it is a common disease in older men; secondly, through the intervention can eliminate symptoms, prevent prostate continues to increase, and even partially reversed, shrink the prostate, it has a good effect , we do not think like not suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia; third, if there are symptoms, people not treated in time, it will cause serious consequences.

In addition, it is worth attention is that prostatitis become a disease to be grossly exaggerated. Avalanche of false advertising allowed incarnation "the most formidable male disease," so a lot of male friends daunting. In fact, prostatitis is not so terrible, proper treatment can cure, not a lifelong refractory lethal disease, so to relieve unnecessary psychological burden.

Drink plenty of water to prevent prostate disease

Do not let the odds of prostate obediently, drink plenty of water is very important. Under Droughts climate, people are insufficient water intake, body moisture reduction, less urination, urinary tract are not normal washing, easy retrograde urinary tract infections, but also make the chances greatly increase the incidence of prostate.

In order so that we can learn more about the disease of prostatitis, Here we introduce prevention of prostate disease, "Trilogy."

1. Don't hold back the urine:
In voiding the bladder wall when the urethral sphincter muscle and will be coordinated contraction and relaxation, such activities and maintain normal physiological functions of the bladder and the prostate is very beneficial, experts say, holding back urine can cause excessive tension of the prostate capsule increase in the long run will lead to prostate disease.

2. Regularity sex life:
Too frequent sex can cause prostate congestion state in the long-term, but long-term abstinence will appear red reflex glands congestion state, which is also very unfavorable prostate.

3. Drink more water:
An amount sufficient to achieve effective water dilution of urine metabolites, to reduce the harmful substances in the urine to reduce stimulation of the prostate tissue. In general, the normal daily water intake is about 2000 ml or more.

Besides, dragon power capsule is pure herbal chinese medicine, no adverse reactions, for prostate patients have a good effect on those who have long lasting effects. And has increased immunity, complement the male hormone, eliminate fatigue and so on.

Source: dragon power capsules

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