1. Only eat low-fat foods
Eat low-fat foods sound will slim down, right. Some people even do not eat meat, considered a high calorie meat, do not eat meat will be thin. In fact, oil is the fat eating bad reasons, like a buffet and hot pot, some if not fried bean bag looks not so nice, eat not so fragrant, so stores will be repeated in the bombing. If people eat these after repeated fried foods, the body will produce inflammation, inflammation of fat cells will gain weight, so try not to eat fried things. If you picked the right oil, in fact, not so easy to gain weight.
Fried food if the taste is very crisp on behalf of the less its oil content. Because after the oil forced out, eat up until crisp, if you eat it is because of deep-fried soft skills well, which a lot of oil content. Some sold in convenience stores known as low-calorie foods, is really low in calories, fat and will not eat it?
We should note that this calorie foods may be low, but it may be high in sugar, sodium content may also be high. Buy food should not look at its total number of calories, because the food which might contain something you do not know the material, may affect the metabolism of fat, so fat metabolism is incomplete. In fact, the more natural the more healthy foods, so that if you look to buy food calorie figures are not very accurate.
In addition there is the habit of some people cook their own, to go outside to eat vegetables when'll get used to the oil, in fact, not so deliberately. As long as we choose the right cooking oil, like those of monounsaturated fatty acid content of more oil may help to better weight loss, such as olive oil deliberately better weight control. If you are over the water each vegetable, it is to say get rid of the oil, then some of the vegetables may contain β-carotene which you will not be able to absorb, and β-carotene can better control our blood sugar, so we are not so easy to accumulate fat. Once the vegetables over the water, the oil can not be absorbed, absorbed β-carotene may also be reduced, in fact, is not necessarily a good thing.
2. Eat plenty of fiber
Some people eat three meals a lot of vegetables and fruits, but still did not lose weight, because many people think that eating lots of vegetables and fruits themselves have eaten a lot of things, but in fact only eat vegetables and fruits, then, satiety is not enough, so will unconsciously eat more things, so inadvertently eating something else to lose weight is the enemy. When weight loss, nutritional balance is a very important point, although dieting can make you lose weight quickly, but you will find that your metabolism power drops, the body will deteriorate. Studies have shown that if calories a day less than 800 cards, particularly prone to heart disease, so the girls have to use the right way to lose weight, try not to use diet approach.
Eat plenty of high fiber foods but it will constipation? How it was! This is because while eating high-fiber foods must match the water. Like apples, eating apples instead of drinking water if the light will lead to constipation problems, if coupled with an apple 500cc of water, it will make your bowel movements relatively smooth. Because the fibers will absorb moisture gut, and this time if the water supplement, fiber also continue to absorb moisture inside the intestine, the results will become very dry hard stool. So, eat fiber foods with a lot of water must be healthy. Weekday breakfast very often we would be brewing cereal with milk, some people eat more oats can cause stomach bloating uncomfortable because there oat β-glucan, it makes some intestinal bacterial fermentation, so eating after flatulence. Market to sell some oat milk, which may have other added substances, drink those words, of course, not your weight go down.
Office workers at noon for lunch and then back to work, to say the use of this short ten minutes to lunch, to add strength, so after eating it stood no chance to let the food digest, so the general fat accumulation in the waist and abdomen will , and in addition to some simple movements such as sit-ups can help us reduce waist fat outside of the waist and abdominal massage is a good way.
On the belly button an inch of water where there is a cave called points; 3 inches under the navel, about 4 refers to the location, there is a Guanyuan; both sides of the navel about 2-3 refers to the location, there are two Tianshu Point . These points you can gently press 3-5 seconds each, clockwise to pressing, rotation, massage. Position in the line has been up by the vest, it will make the lower abdomen with a piece of meat is easier to move forward on the list. Both sides of the waist fat can also try to move aside and let the meat a little tight.
3. Completely do not eat sweets
For weight loss, girls, sweets probably the most can not resist the temptation, when endure to the end, many people will choose to buy some so-called zero-calorie jelly, but eat but still gain weight. And these so-called zero-calorie sugar substitute is actually a snack, but in fact there is not enough sugar substitute satiety. If you really want to eat, you can eat a little bit, to satisfy my own desires. But remember, it is easy to eat too many sweets wrinkle.
Many people like to eat when afternoon tea or breakfast bun, bun is actually mine to lose weight food. Because starch is very delicate bun starch, are high glycemic foods is also very easy to gain weight. Moderate intake of sugar on the skin as well as a source of energy is good, but it must be appropriate.
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