Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 Reasons Cause Sexual Dysfunction

Expert analysis of factors causing men sexual disorders, such as bad habits, age, illness, injury, drugs, diseases, following one by one as we analyze these factors cause, if you have this phenomenon, may pay more attention.

1. Unhealthy Lifestyles
Smoking and nonsmoking patients with heart disease completely prevalence of erectile dysfunction was 56% and 21%, respectively; Smoking Smoking and non-smoking hypertensive patients with complete erectile dysfunction prevalence of 20% and 8.5%, respectively.

Alcohol has "improved libido, reduced sexual power," said. Overseas studies have shown that patients with alcoholic liver disease and non-alcoholic prevalence of erectile dysfunction was 70% and 25%, respectively. And half of them after years of abstinence will not recover erectile function.

2. Age
Age is an indirect risk factors closely related with erectile dysfunction, with age, the likelihood of erectile dysfunction increases. Foreign reports, 20 to 30 year-old male erectile dysfunction prevalence rate of 7%, 70 to 79 years the prevalence of erectile dysfunction was 57%.

Despite the possibility of the occurrence of erectile dysfunction with age increase, but erectile dysfunction is not an inevitable process of aging.

3. Diseases
(1) Cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure in patients with erectile dysfunction associated with the proportion of 39%, 15%. And erectile dysfunction may be systemic atherosclerosis aura.
(2) Diabetes and erectile dysfunction is one of the most closely related diseases, diabetes prevalence of erectile dysfunction was 23% to 75%. The likelihood of developing diabetes over 10 years compared with erectile dysfunction occurred less than 5 years 1 times. In addition, poor glycemic control, smoking may increase the incidence of both.
(3) The proportion of incomplete erectile dysfunction associated with chronic renal above 40%.
(4) Hyperlipidemia, higher serum total cholesterol, lipoprotein close the lower high possibility of occurrence of erectile dysfunction greater.
(5) Multiple sclerosis, stroke, demyelinating diseases, neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's are associated with erectile dysfunction.
(6) Hypopituitarism, hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, adrenal disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and other endocrine diseases and erectile function.
(7) Prostate disease with the possibility of penile erectile dysfunction in more than 40%.
(8) Possibility of ulcer disease associated with erectile dysfunction was 18%, arthritis, allergies, alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and so closely related to erectile dysfunction.

4. Drug
Diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, heart medications, tranquilizers, antidepressants, hormones, anticholinergic drugs and the treatment of ulcer disease may cause erectile dysfunction.

5. Psychological Factors
Mental illness such as schizophrenia, depression and drug treatment of depression were associated with erectile dysfunction. 50% to 90% of patients with depression sexual apathy; hand, sexual dysfunction often cause depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.

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